Wednesday, December 30, 2015

T-Mobile Really Doesn't Like It When You Call Binge On's Video Quality Throttling What It Is, Which Is Throttling


Listen, I don't really have a problem with Binge On itself - it's a pretty nifty value-add for T-Mobile customers that allows them to throttle all their video streamed over mobile data to 480p, in exchange for some of that video (Binge On partner services, like Netflix, but notably not YouTube) not counting against their plan's data cap. I consider this a "pretty fair deal." In exchange for reducing the burden of video bandwidth on T-Mobile's network, you get to stream all the [partnered] OK-quality video you want.

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T-Mobile Really Doesn't Like It When You Call Binge On's Video Quality Throttling What It Is, Which Is Throttling was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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