Sunday, July 28, 2019

Learn to code — 3 big deals you might have missed

Learn to code

So you've decided to learn to code. Now you need to choose which language to take on, and that very much depends on your end goal. You'll also need training which fits your schedule and budget.

A few of the great deals we stumbled across this week might inspire you. They all offer different approaches to coding and a variety of potential career opportunities.

They're all online training courses, so you can crash-course them in a week or fit them around your day job. They're also all on offer, saving you thousands of dollars.

Microsoft SQL Certification Bundle

Learn to code with the Ultimate Microsoft SQL Certification Bundle

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it's used to manage databases. It might not sound too exciting, but in 2019 data is power, so SQL database administrators are hot properties.

The Ultimate Microsoft SQL Certification Bundle is your affordable way in. You get lifetime access to seven learning kits, training you to be a Microsoft SQL Server 2012 pro.

If you want to learn to code in SQL, you'll rarely find a better deal. The seven courses are together worth over $2,000, but right now the bundle is on offer for just $44.

To find the deal follow the link below, or to see our full post you can check it out here.

Learn to code in C#

Learn to code with the Complete C# Coding Bootcamp

C# is a more powerful and simplified version of C, which is why it's widely used in the tech world. Top software developers often use it, and it's also handy if you're keen to start building Android apps.

If this is how you want to learn to code, the Complete C# Coding Bootcamp is the ideal place to start. It's a gigantic training package, spanning 11 learning kits and over 89 hours of training.

We spotlighted this bundle on Wednesday when we noticed that it was on offer for only $31. The kits are collectively valued at $765, so it's quite a coup.

Check out the deal via the button below.

Machine Learning and Data Science

Learn to code with the Machine Learning and Data Science Certification Training Bundle

Like the SQL deal above, the hunger of the biggest companies to harvest vast amounts of data are throwing up all types of lucrative new professions. Data scientist is one of the top jobs in the U.S. right now.

The Machine Learning and Data Science Certification Training Bundle is a comprehensive launchpad into this industry. You'll learn to code in both Python and R, then master a range of practical data science tools and applications.

The deal we promoted on Tuesday got extended for another week, meaning you have a few more days to sign up. It knocks the cost of the eight-part bundle down from $1,600 to a mere $35.

To join the thousands who've already signed up to this offer hit the button below.

Are these deal not quite right for you? To see all our hottest deals, head over to the AA PICKS HUB.

from Android Authority

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