Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hate your job? Android developers don’t even have to put on pants.

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I've been there myself.

Trapped under the glow of unnatural fluorescent light, hunched over a keyboard, crammed into a tiny cubicle, and forced to constantly engage in inane office banter…

"Uh oh. Somebody's got a case of the Mondays."

"What's our workflow going to be going forward?"

"TGIF, am I right?"

Human beings didn't evolve to be office drones. We're not built to wake up for the morning commute, fight traffic, and crawl home just to pass out long enough to survive the next day.

We shouldn't dread Mondays.

Fridays shouldn't be a cause for celebration.

A recent study shows that we spend over half our waking life working. Why should we be miserable for more than half our lives?

And what even are neck ties? Okay, this might be more of a personal gripe, but is this thing supposed to keep me warm? It doesn't clothe me. It doesn't serve any function except to serve as a constant reminder that this job has me by the throat.

Here's the thing…

The 9-to-5 job is dying. And with good reason.

A report from the Roosevelt Institute and the Kauffman Foundation have determined that the US economy will be "scarcely recognizable" by the year 2040.

The traditional work day is in its death throes because millions of people are finally saying "enough is enough." It's a cycle of misery, isolation, and dehumanization, and people are starting to aggressively take their lives back.

But where are they going?

For many, the answer is freelancing. Freelancers now constitute a full 34% of the American workforce. That's 53 million people living on their own terms rather than bowing to the demands of an office.

This is a massive opportunity for early adopters.

The previously mentioned Roosevelt-Kauffman report enlisted 30 economists, technologies, policy makers, and entrepreneurs. It's goal was to attempt to describe the future of work, technology, entrepreneurship, and inequality. It's conclusions?

I'll avoid burying the lead here. The takeaway is that Android developers are going to be making bank. But here's why:

The future is tech

Roosevelt and Kauffman determined that the future of the economy is intrinsically tied to the tech industry.

Although niches will exist for other goods and services, such as handcrafting products for markets like Etsy, the muscle of the looming economic market is tech. This isn't even something that people are debating.

As automation continues to be on the rise, baristas, retailers, truckers, and even writers will start seeing robots edging in on their jobs.

The machines are rising, and the world needs masters of these machines.

I have four heavily educated friends, three of whom are lawyers and one who is a physician. All of them are struggling to make it in their careers.

Two of the lawyers and the physician seem pretty disenfranchised with their current position. They were told that these jobs were basically automatic success.

And hey, it's not like they were fed a lie.

For the previous generation, this was true. So an entire generation of doctors and lawyers and business executives, encouraged by their parents, poured through the college system and came out with mountains of debt to face a saturated job market.

Meanwhile, I've got a friend in Seattle who decided college wasn't for him and just got to work coding.

He's pulling in six figures a year.

However, my third lawyer friend who has two degrees from Tulane is struggling to find viable work that will support her and help her pay off her student loans.

The future of tech is mobile

My Seattle friend doesn't work in mobile. He's a coder for a major retailer.

However, the tech world is getting increasingly mobile.

This is patently obvious. I mean, odds are you're reading this article on your smartphone, because mobile browsing outstripped desktop browsing all the way back in 2014 and continues to be on the rise.


And although web content continues to be valuable, the real moneymakers are app developers.

Hell, we all know the story of the Vietnamese programmer Dong Nguyen, the creator of Flappy Bird. The guy saw so much success from his homespun creation that he literally removed the app from the Play Store because he felt guilty about how much money he was making off of it.

At its peak in 2014, Flappy Bird was earning $50,000 every day.

We probably won't be married to our smartphones indefinitely. The trend of the tech world seems to indicate that our technology will become increasingly wearable and maybe even embedded.

However, even if smartphones begin to fade, mobile operating systems will still be the primary platform.

Mobile is Android

Android is the largest operating system on the planet.

That's not a brash claim or empty bluster. It's just cold, hard facts. More devices run Android, and more users engage with Android, than any other operating system currently in existence.

Sure, stateside Apple and Android feel pretty well matched. No argument there. And there's a lot of positive things to say about iOS. Users love that buying all Apple products means everything "just works" together.

However, that "just works" simplicity comes at a premium, and users the world over are willing to forego the extra cost of Apple products in favor of a platform that gives them flexibility and customization.

Take a look at these numbers for device shipments, worldwide, in 2015:

  • Windows: 11.79%
  • iOS+OS X: 12.37%
  • Linux + Other: 21.66%
  • Android: 54.16%

os distribution

Literally, more than half the world's technology runs on Android.

The best news? Most people who are developing for Android are working from home. They don't even have to put on pants.

Stop being miserable

Life is too short. Sure, if you like putting on pants every day, go for it. Most guys look pretty schnazzy in a tie, so if that's your style, then rock it.

However, if you're looking to get out of the grind, then Android developing might be your escape hatch.

There's only one problem. You're not an Android developer.

Learning how to program has historically required a lot of time and money. However, based on a surge of interest in Android app development in our audience, we've partnered with Udemy to create an offer that makes this as efficient as possible.

Right now, Udemy is offering a course that aims to bring you from total beginner to paid professional in 22 hours of video across 85 articles.

It's normally a $120 course, but we've made an exclusive arrangement to bring that price down for our readers. Currently over 3,400 students are enrolled, and the class has received a 4.6-star rating from over 354 reviewers.

android course review

Over the course of 12 sections, you'll learn everything from the basics of Java programming to a walkthrough on the process of getting your app on the Google Play Store and marketing the hell out of it.

This course comes with access to an online chatroom where you can get help from the instructors as well as fellow students. Although it is currently focused on Marshmallow, the instructors are actively updating it to make it fully Nougat relevant.

You'll design a variety of  trial apps from scratch that gradually build on the basics laid out from previous course materials before finally being set loose to construct your dream app from the skills you've learned.

The course even comes with 10 professionally designed app asset packs that you can use to build high quality content into your apps. Normally such a media kit would cost somewhere in the ballpark of $2500.

Although the course is normally pretty pricy, we've negotiated with Udemy to offer our readers a 92 percent discount. If you checkout using the promo code ANDROIDA10, or just click the button below, then you'll get the entire course, full support in the chats and forums from the instructors, and the media kit for just $10.

That's right. We got the whole $120 package down to $10.

If you're sitting on a killer app idea but don't know how to get started, there's never been a better opportunity than right now. Click the button below to learn how to go from codeless scrub to paid professional in just a handful of weeks.

The future is Android. Get out of that cubicle.

Start Creating

Disclosure: This offer is brought to you by AA Picks. Our purpose is to highlight products or services we think you as our readers might be interested in and, if you buy them, we may get a share of the revenue. We operate independently from our advertising sales team, and we welcome your feedback and questions. Email us at aapicks@androidauthority.com.

from Android Authority http://ift.tt/2ccXvco

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