Tuesday, November 29, 2016

These are the Daydream-ready phones (so far)

Is your phone Daydream-ready? Probably not.

Google's big push into smartphone-based virtual reality has only begun to take form. Where Cardboard is an amazing way to make it so anyone and everyone can enjoy short VR experiences, Daydream is aiming much higher. You'll be able to kick back and enjoy an episode of Game of Thrones, stand up and draw some amazing pieces of art with a big bubble around you as the canvas, and of course play an enormous number of immersive games. Daydream is going to be a big deal to anyone who can enjoy it, and in order to be on that list your phone must have Google's "Daydream ready" stamp of approval.

Which phones have earned Google's blessing? Glad you asked! Here's a very short list of what's available now, which we will be updating as frequently as possible.

  • Google Pixel — Both the 5-inch and 5.5-inch versions of Google's first Pixel phones are Daydream ready, and come with Daydream pre-installed. These phones are each packing an impressive Snapdragon 821 processor with 4GB of RAM and an AMOLED display, but the smaller Pixel is 1080p while the larger Pixel offers a QHD display. This means the larger pixel will offer a better VR experience in general, but both will offer highly accurate head tracking and are built to work well with the Daydream View headset.

  • Moto Z — Both the original Moto Z and the shatterproof Moto Z Force are Daydream ready with the update to Android 7.0, and the Daydream app can be installed from the Google Play Store. These phones have a Snapdragon 820 processor with a 5.5-inch QHD AMOLED display and 4GB of RAM. Both of these phones support Moto Mods, which includes a battery addition that can allow Daydream to run for hours longer than normal. The flexible Moto Z Force display looks slightly different from the Moto Z in Daydream, but not enough that it will be noticeable by most.

What about the Nexus 6P?

While Google is using the Nexus 6P to build and test Daydream, and you can currently sideload the Daydream app on a Nexus 6P, this phone is not Daydream-ready. To quote Google:

The 6P's thermal performance is not representative of the consumer Daydream-ready devices that will be launching later this year.

This doesn't mean someone won't figure out how to shoehorn Daydream onto the Nexus 6P for you to try out once the apps are available to the public, but officially this phone does not live up to the spec Google has in mind for the ideal Daydream experience.

from Android Central - Android Forums, News, Reviews, Help and Android Wallpapers http://ift.tt/291VU5Y

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