Monday, May 27, 2019

The Huawei controversy timeline: Everything you need to know!

The Huawei logo.
China and the United States are in a massive trade war right now. As a result, some big decisions are being made by both governments. However, none are more significant at this moment than the upcoming ban on Huawei. The embargo initially went into effect last week, but there is now a 90-day grace period.

The U.S. government's decision could cause massive changes in the world economy. There is one misconception that a lot of people have, and it's the idea that this is some new ordeal. Huawei, China, the U.S., and other entities have been at the forefront of controversy for the better part of the last 25 to 30 years.

If you want to make the best guesses, you need the most information. Here is almost the entire controversy timeline, dating back as far as we could find.

Huawei's early years (1987-2004)

The early years were a tumultuous time in China, but a rather quiet start for Huawei. People's Liberation Army technologist, Ren Zhengfei, founded the company in 1987. He started Huawei after a workforce reduction ended his military career.

The 1990s

The first decade for the future Chinese tech giant was mostly quiet, but not without its controversy. The company got its big start by allegedly reverse-engineering international telecommunication technology and re-introducing it into China. Although any solid proof for this is lacking, it's believable because IP theft in China is quite common.

Its first big-ticket contract was the People's Liberation Army in the mid-1990s. Later in the decade, China adopted a new directive to support domestic technology companies explicitly over foreign companies. It is not clear if this was specifically to grow Huawei, but the company certainly benefited from these policies.

The early 2000s

Things quieted down again until 2001 when Huawei was placed on a watchlist by India's intelligence agencies for allegedly supplying the Taliban with military telecommunications equipment. However, India never brought charges for it, and no evidence ever surfaced to prove it. Huawei denied doing any business with the Taliban and swore that its practices were in line with the rules of the United Nations.

Most allegations against Huawei have little or no proof available to the public.

China would go on to join the World Trade Organization later in 2001. The stipulations for joining were steep for China and included reversing many of its domestic-first policies. This would have huge ramifications in China and its economy.

The only other thing of note from the early years was a lawsuit in 2003 where Cisco accused Huawei of stealing source code from its routers. Huawei admitted doing so, but the case was eventually dropped after Cisco and Huawei reached an agreement.

The middle years (2005-2017)

The middle years were significant to Huawei. Events during this time period would serve as a precursor for later events.

The late 2000s

Things started to heat up for Huawei in 2007. To kick things off, Huawei made a bid to buy part of 3COM, a Massachusetts tech company. Huawei didn't view the purchase as problematic as the two companies had previously worked together and it would only control 16.5 percent of 3COM.

Lawmakers asked the Bush Administration to block the purchase, calling Huawei one of China's least transparent companies. The U.S. government eventually blocked the deal in 2008 due to national security concerns.

A year later, in 2009, British authorities warned BT Mobile about vulnerabilities to Chinese attack due to security holes in Huawei's equipment. BT Mobile would eventually begin removal of Huawei equipment from its network in 2018 with completion due in 2021. Vodafone also found backdoors in Huawei's equipment between 2009 and 2011 but didn't report anything until 2019. Huawei claims to have fixed those vulnerabilities.


Huawei would have a reasonably lousy year in 2010 in regards to its U.S. relationship. Motorola sued the tech giant for corporate espionage in 2010. Huawei denied everything and the suit was eventually settled in 2011. The company then placed a bid to build Sprint's mobile network but was ultimately blocked by the Obama administration for national security concerns. Huawei would end the year by attempting to purchase 3Leaf systems but backed out because it did not file the sale with CFIUS.

The company would continue to have bad luck into 2011. Despite its troubles, Huawei built a 200,000 square foot research facility in California in April 2011 in hopes to expand into the United States. However, the government ended the year by blocking Huawei's bid to build a national wireless network for emergency services due to national security concerns.

National security concerns is a common thread in most of the Huawei controversy.

An 11-month investigation by the U.S. ended in 2012 and resulted in an oft-cited report that Huawei and ZTE could not be trusted. The report alleged unusual behavior from Huawei equipment and accused the company of sending data to China. However, the findings focused on telecom equipment and not ZTE's or Huawei's mobile phones. There was no proof of these allegations in the public version of the report, but there are rumors such proof exists in the classified version. This came just months after Australia blocked Huawei from its National Broadband Network.

In 2013, Softbank promised not to use Huawei equipment on Sprint's network if it were to be allowed to buy Sprint. It was the only event of note from that year.

The Edward Snowden leaks included some bits about Huawei as well. The leaks unveiled Operation Shotgiant, a plan to hack Huawei servers and use the company's equipment to spy on Huawei. The hacks were allegedly successful. The company took the news with humor and then openly encouraged the U.S. to make the findings of the hack public.

This era was capped off with a return lawsuit from Huawei to T-Mobile. T-Mobile allegedly used wireless patents without paying for them. Huawei demanded no money, simply that the courts acknowledge that the patent licensing was fair. In late 2017, T-Mobile got its revenge as a federal court ruled in its favor over the famed Tappy the robot lawsuit.

The Huawei logo.

The current years (2018-present)

This is, by far, the most active portion of Huawei's struggles in the United States for several reasons. The U.S. and China trade war officially started in January of 2018 and, thus, tensions escalated quickly. Also, the U.S. decided to review China's intellectual property policies toward the end of 2017. Donald Trump also proved to be a far more aggressive U.S. president when dealing with China than his predecessors for better or worse.


This was a wild year and not in a good way because things fell apart quickly. Verizon Wireless dropped Huawei as a phone supplier in January, not long after AT&T agreed to and then refused to sell the Mate 10. T-Mobile promised no Huawei tech was going into its 5G network and offered to help rural carriers replace their existing equipment. A month later, the heads of no less than six U.S. intelligence agencies warned against the use of Huawei and ZTE products.

Australia would double down and ban Huawei from supply parts for 5G networks in the country followed closely by New Zealand. Japan created a ban of its own for both Huawei and ZTE products.

2018 and 2019 were when things really started heating up.

Perhaps the biggest news of 2018 was the arrest of Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver. Canada did so on behalf of the U.S. government with extradition as the primary goal. Meng is under house arrest, and the next court date is set for September 2019. Shortly after her arrest, China arrested two Canadians over national security concerns. The act brought a 90-day truce to the U.S. and China trade war.


The next year was even crazier. The U.S. formally charged Huawei with 13 crimes, including bank fraud, dealing with Iran, and IP theft. Huawei denied or deflected the allegations, but the U.S. maintains it has proof. None of that proof is public at the time of this writing.

Ren Zhengfei took to the airwaves after years of avoiding the public eye to assure the world that Huawei sided with customers, not governments. Meanwhile, Poland arrested a Huawei employee on suspicion of spying and admitted it didn't know if it'll use Chinese tech for its 5G network. The EU began talking about banning Huawei from all of Europe's 5G networks as well. Denmark then expelled two Huawei staffers from the country over work permit violations.

Europe eventually decided on stronger regulations rather than banning Huawei. China took to the WTO to challenge Australia's ban on Huawei products. Both of these events are ongoing at the time of this writing.

The U.S. turned up the heat again on May 15 when it added Huawei to its Entity List. Over the next five days, Google, Intel, Qualcomm, Arm, the SD Association, and others released statements that they will comply with the U.S. order and stop working with Huawei. The Chinese company released several statements, most notably one mentioning a plan B in case the Entity List ban is never lifted.

The U.S. enacted a 90-day partial lift from the Entity List, giving Huawei some breathing time. However, that didn't stop the U.S. and China from threatening tariff increases on one another and other organizations from refusing to do business with Huawei. The long term ramifications of such a move are fairly massive given Huawei's size and placement in the mobile phone ecosystem.

Read next: The U.S. Entity List ban: Everything you need to know!

The Straits Times

In defense of Huawei

In spite of all this, the case against Huawei isn't totally clear. It is accused of a bunch of misconduct, but there is also no proof (at least, nothing public). Also, there are multiple occasions where Huawei encouraged the U.S. to share whatever evidence it has. The company has worked extensively with the Chinese government, but there isn't concrete evidence showing that it is a part of the Chinese government.

The warnings and allegations stretch back over a decade, but no proof ever seems to surface. Even the Vodafone and BT Mobile backdoors could be common security flaws; we simply don't know. Most large, long-running companies have skeletons in the closet, and Huawei may be no different.

President Donald Trump standing at a press podium next to FCC chairman Ajit Pai as Trump delivers a speech about 5G plans for the United States. CNBC

In defense of the U.S.

The U.S. has been investigating the Chinese tech giant for seven years officially, and probably longer than that unofficially. Three U.S. presidents blocked, banned, or investigated Huawei to some extent, including two Republicans and one Democrat. The U.S. also claims to have proof of its allegations and may yet reveal that proof during the court cases of Meng Wanzhou or Huawei.

In addition, China's newer domestic policies, such as the National Security Act, can make it difficult to tell if Chinese companies work with the government, for the government, or are a part of the government. Huawei's long history of IP theft allegations, specifically the cases involving Cisco and T-Mobile, show that the company is willing to aggressively push the boundaries and sometimes it goes too far.


There is a lot of information regarding Huawei, the U.S., and China, and it is tough to take it all in. The common thread is a history of allegations and denials that neither party seems to want to prove with evidence. It is impossible to choose a side until one of them eventually does, and that may come sooner rather than later with two huge court cases on the horizon.

from Android Authority

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