Thursday, October 31, 2019

This hack brings Google Pixel 4 face unlock to unsupported apps

A hack brings the Pixel 4 face unlock to unsupported apps.

The Google Pixel 4 adopts 3D face unlock for the first time in the Pixel series, but the vast majority of apps out there only support fingerprint authentication. This is a big problem, because the new Google phones don't actually offer fingerprint scanners.

Fortunately, XDA developer SemonCat has created an Xposed module dubbed Fingerface that essentially brings face unlock support to these apps. The module, which requires root access, means you don't have to wait for a developer to update their app to support the Pixel 4 face unlock function.

There are loads of apps that don't support face unlock right now, ranging from banking apps and enterprise tools to password managers and more. In fact, our own Kris Carlon and David Imel both lamented the lack of support in our Pixel 4 review. This could be a good stopgap until more apps support the BiometricPrompt API and face unlock.

Screenshots of the module in action show that a fingerprint unlock dialog still pops up in apps, but the Pixel 4 face unlock dialog pops up over it. It's clearly not perfect then, but still seems better than manually entering your password.

The developer says Fingerface doesn't have network permissions and is also allowing users to build the app via Github. Otherwise, you can grab a paid version of the utility via the Play Store at the previous link.

More posts about Google Pixel 4

from Android Authority

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