Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Google is making it easier to view your data and set ad preferences

Google is working to make it easier for those who rely on its services and platforms to control what adverts are displayed on PCs, smartphones and other connected hardware. The search giant will also provide a tool that will allow for certain ads to be blocked from being displayed on search results. This will save you some time by not having to manually fire off special requests per ad on each device.

Notifications are being sent out to those using Google's search engine, its Chrome web browser or Gmail. Fear not if you've yet to receive one as it'll take some weeks for everyone to receive an alert to check out these new tools. From the DailyMail report:

"Google also is introducing a "My Activity" feature that will enable users to delete records of their online search requests and videos watched on YouTube in a single location instead of having to visit different websites or apps. Google's business has been built on its longtime practice of monitoring its users' online behavior in an effort to learn about their interests so it can show ads most likely to appeal to them."

If allowed, Google will now store all your web browsing histories, along with all other collected data in the My Activity area of My Account. This is a massive change from how it's currently set up, which sees data stored in different locations. This will help create a more consistent online experience using Google's own services, while also providing Google the means to combat certain privacy complaints.

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