Thursday, January 28, 2016

Custom power off menu on root devices with Xposed – Android customization

power off xposed Material Power Menu

Continuing forward with our root projects on our Android customization series, let's take a quick look at a simple little tweak today. Last week we took control of battery life, this week we will use an Xposed module to control the power menu. Most of us do not need extra ways to power off our phones, but those that do, this is or you.

As mentioned, we installed both Amplify and Greenify last week, each serve a different role, but both look to improve battery life on your Android device. Continuing with Xposed modules on our rooted Android tablet, we want to use a tool called Power Menu, I bet you can't guess what it does.

Before we begin

Is it safe to assume that you've been following along this string of customization projects, that you considering the pros and cons of rooting, went ahead and rooted your device and flashed at least the Xposed Framework to your device? Have you then installed the Xposed installer and have been playing with modules on your Android device? Oh good, today will be easy then.

If you have not gone through the above, no worries, here are the important parts:

Rooting your phone? A few things to consider
Xposed Module and Installer basics

Custom shutdown menu on your Android device

Do you recall back in the day when the shutdown dialogue on your Android device included a few options – maybe it had the option to Shutdown, Restart or more. In the later years of Android, most of this has been removed. Actually, most stock Android devices today have but one option, Power Off.

power off xposed Material Power Menu

As most experienced root users know, there is so much more to be done than just power off a device, and a reboot or power up can go one of a few ways. As you'll see moving forward, we're going to add a few reboot options to the list for you using the module called Power Menu.

There is not much for tutorial here today, head into the Xposed Installer app and look for Power Menu. It may be hiding under the name Material Power Menu, as it prides itself on being Material Design. Download it, install it, reboot your device to activate and off we go.

For this specific software, we recommend using the built-in tool in the settings to add a shortcut to your Homescreen, you'll see shy in a bit. Otherwise, there is little need to make any major changes to the settings of the app.

power off xposed Material Power Menu

As you can see, when you run the app, it provides a simple power menu for your device. Tap any of the options to follow through. You'll notice that you really have just two options, power off and reboot.

For those familiar with root and especially with flashing custom ROMs, the reboot options can be a huge time saver. Allowing you to soft reboot, reboot into Recovery, into Safe Mode, into your Bootloader and even, believe it or not, a plain old Reboot.

power off xposed Material Power Menu

To get to the settings, simply tap the "x" in the bottom right corner to close out the actual power menu.

What's next

One huge word of caution folks, at least for my device, Power Menu does not sync with your physical power button. You may press your power button like you normally would, the Power off dialogue will pop up, but tapping on it will do nothing. You will have to fire up the Power Menu app to shutdown your device.

This tool is little more than a nicety for those root users that like to go to the Bootloader or into their Recovery, for the most of us, it will probably be easier to just hit that power button again in order to 'reboot' our devices. It's up to you, Power Menu is free, simple and offers an actual reboot option, I don't often go to the fancy boot alternatives, but I still use Power Menu.

Android Wear Power off options

Next week

Are you getting bored of Xposed modules already? We are not, there are just so many great tweaks to play with. That said, we think we'll take some time away from root for next week, we may revisiting the world of Android Wear and smartwatches. I haven't done anything out of the norm with a smartwatch in a while, but I hope to share some cool stuff with you. Let's leave it open though, we may have to publish another Xposed module on this Android customization series as we get our wearable pieces under control.

Hope you enjoyed this new Power Menu for today, is there a better Xposed Module or other root option that you prefer?

Looking for more Android customizations?

from Android Authority

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