Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chrome gets Facebook Share and Save plugins

Facebook apps

When you stop and think about it, the way that most people share links on Facebook is a bit antiquated. Copying the URL from the desired site, then navigating to Facebook and pasting it in the status field? What are we, Amish?

Fortunately, Facebook is offering a more modern solution. The social giant has announced that they have created Chrome plugins that let you share current content in just a few clicks, or save what you're looking at for future perusal. Installing these plugins will add convenient buttons in the upper-right corner of your Chrome browser, so broadcasting interesting content has never been easier.

facebook messenger sms (1)See also: Facebook criticized for heavy-handed Messenger SMS push44

These Chrome plugins come part and parcel with some small alterations to Facebook's social plugin buttons for use on websites far and wide. The company has streamlined their old engagement buttons for a cleaner design that ditches the Facebook "f" in favor of the ubiquitous thumbs-up "like" icon. Check out the official announcement if you're interested in learning more.

Click the buttons below to grab these plugins for Chrome, then head over to the comments and let us know how well they're working for you!

Get Share to Facebook on Chrome
Get Save to Facebook on Chrome

from Android Authority

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