Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Night mode shows that Twitter's finally serious about its Android app

A smart transition takes things from white to black, but still keeps the app easy to read.

For a long time — OK, a long time insofar as Twitter is concerned — the conventional wisdom was that the powers that be cared only about you tweeting from Twitter's website, and apps be damned. The official app was long outpaced by third-party offerings, at least until Twitter began to choke out those apps by limiting the number of users they could top out at.

Things are different now. And that's no more apparent than with the recent addition of a dark "night mode" in the official Twitter app.

It's still rolling out gradually, and presumably not beyond the beta channel yet. (This can be more than a little confusing because Twitter tends to do a number of things server-side, and not with a mere app update.) But open the drawer and flip the toggle. It's not an immediate turning off of the lights, but a gradual setting of the sun. OK, that's a little too poetic. But the transition itself shows that someone is paying more attention to the app these days.

It's not a none-more-black sort of design. It's not that harsh, with plenty of white text and blue links and buttons to balance out the gray. But it's definitely a well-done option for those who prefer a deeper shade of Twitter.

If you're not seeing this snazzy new night mode yet, you're not alone. But if you are, welcome to the club. We're having jackets made.

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