Yesterday, OnePlus CEO and co-founder Pete Lau took to Twitter to share a few images of OnePlus phones. While this normally wouldn't be news, some of the OnePlus colors and textures of the phones are unreleased variants that the company axed, so you've likely never seen a few of these before.
There are six different colorways for a few different OnePlus phones in the images, some released and some unreleased. It looks like there are two OnePlus 7T devices, three OnePlus 6 devices, and one of the OnePlus 5T. Although the white one in the top right corner looks slightly different than a usual OnePlus 6, so it might be a fully unreleased prototype.
Either way, there are some really cool OnePlus colors on display here. Check out the gallery below:
The most obvious standout is the marble OnePlus 7T, which looks totally awesome. It does also look like a OnePlus 7T with a skin sticker on it, but we're guessing the marbled tones and colors were actually designed within the glass backing, rather than just covering it up. Lau doesn't explain that in his tweet, so we're not sure.
The teal gradient on the OnePlus 6 also looks terrific. We're not so sure about the "denim" OnePlus 6 in the lower right but hey, maybe you really like denim.
Lau does say that the company will have "more to share soon" when it comes to passed-over OnePlus colors and textures, so keep an eye on his Twitter account for the next photo batch. In the meantime, what do you think of these? Would you want any of these colorways, or are you happier with the colors the company actually released? Let us know in the comments!
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