Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Samsung says 6G in 2028 with 1,000Gbps peak speeds, and more tech news today!

Your tech news digest, by way of the DGiT Daily tech newsletter, for Tuesday, July 14.

1. 6G: 2028

This is stretching the boundaries of this newsletter, which brings you news and views in tech you can use, in theory. If there's a takeaway, it's 6G is coming by 2028. You can move on.

But if you want the details: Samsung has delivered some of the first widely published detail into 6G, in a white paper [PDF] available now.

Yes, yes we're still waiting for 5G in mid-2020, but 6G isn't just about the next barrier of speeds:

  • "While 5G commercialization is still in its initial stage, it's never too early to start preparing for 6G because it typically takes around 10 years from the start of research to commercialization of a new generation of communications technology," said Sunghyun Choi, Head of the Advanced Communications Research Center.
  • "Samsung defines three categories of requirements that have to be met to realize 6G services – performance, architectural and trustworthiness requirements."
  • The company will begin 6G research in "full-scale" this year, said Choi, with aims to have work done on defining and developing technical standards started in 2021.

Examples of Samsung defined 6G performance requirements:

  • A peak data rate of 1,000 Gbps (gigabits per second)
  • Air latency less than 100 microseconds (or 0.1milliseconds)
  • Which amounts to around 50 times the peak data rate and one-tenth the latency of 5G, in an ideal world.
  • Other requirements: twice the energy efficiency of 4G, and extreme reliability for near-zero data errors (10^-7)
  • The diagram below compares key performance requirements between 6G (darker blue) and 5G:

So how can 6G be used in the near-future? 16K VR and holograms of course:

  • Samsung provides use cases for the tech, including truly immersive XR (AR/VR/mixed reality), jumping from current 4K tech to 16K VR streaming which requires downlink speeds of 0.9Gbps. Samsung notes that current 5G connections can't provide this speed.
  • Samsung says streaming AR to an 8K display currently requires 55.3Mbps, and believes "truly immersive" AR requires 0.44Gbps speeds.
  • On high-fidelity holograms, Samsung suggests a hologram display over a 6.7-inch mobile device display with 11.1 Gigapixels form-factor require data rates of 'at least 0.58 Tbps'.
  • Another angle is a 'Digital Replica/Digital Twin' technology, to replicate people, devices, places, and more, which further requires speeds of several Tbps, according to the firm.
  • The idea of a full-scale digital hologram on a 0.1ms delay isn't bad. And probably would've been very useful during COVID-19 lockdowns!
  • Samsung is not on its own in looking at 6G, but the detail here is significantly more than previous acknowledgments of 6G research from other players like Nokia and Ericsson.
  • But this is the first time we've seen widely published tech specs, and a timeline other than '6G is ten years away.'
  • I'm probably not going to remember if Samsung was right about 2028 in 2028, but it's still important to get an idea of the coming future to shape your thoughts.

2. Google accidentally puts Pixel 4a images on Canadian version of Google Store (Android Authority). Here, the image can still be loaded in full resolution (google.ca).

3. iPhone owners affected by 'Batterygate' can now file for a settlement. You'll be rich! By rich, I mean a $25 payment, some months away, US only. But hey! (Android Authority).

4. This is super unlikely buuuut, a Razer Phone 3 prototype may have surfaced in a Chinese online market (Android Authority).

5. Google offers not to use Fitbit data for ads to avoid EU probe: "This deal is about devices, not data … " (Reuters).

6. Amazon introduces Dash Cart: a reinvented shopping cart that brings an Amazon Go store to wheels (CNET).

7. Your next White Castle slider could be cooked by a robot (Engadget).

8. Mythbusters host Grant Imahara dies at 49, what a sad shock (The Verge).

9. ARM could be up for sale again, or even IPO? I wonder how Apple feels about this given its investment into Apple silicon, based on ARM. (CNET).

10. Reinventing the brick: we've been using the same bricks for over 5,000 years, which is great and all, except for needing a hot, clay-fire furnace (CNN).

11. Noise-cancelling windows halve traffic sounds even when they're open. Mind you, what you or I might believe is still a window after 24 loudspeakers are installed may be different to academia? (NewScientist + Nature).

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from Android Authority https://ift.tt/32dgUmF

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