Monday, October 31, 2016

Furbies can’t make phone calls | Podcast 086


Jonathan Feist returns from Japan, Joe Hindy and David Imel have questions and our regular Android Authority Podcast tech talk ensues for another episode. Joe is a little upset about fake Amazon reviews, Jonathan drones on for half an hour about Japan, (which was awesome, by the way), David is unhappy with Google's versioning strategy, but happy for a Messenger update, Kris Carlon said the Apple A10 chip is pretty powerful, we talk it through and Xiaomi has a couple new phones, the Mi Note 2 and the Mi MIX, which Josh was in China to put his hands on.

Finally, we take to Twitter and the Android Authority Forums to take your questions and comments, leading us to ponder if Google is positioning itself to purchase HTC. Think about it.

The Android Authority Podcast – discussing topics in Android every single week.

Rough Timecodes:
Amazon review gripes and Jonathan's Japan trip during check in
46:00 – Google Messenger update
56:00 – Apple A10 chipset
66:00 – Xiaomi Mi Note 2
84:00 – Your questions from the Forums and Twitter

Links to Podcast

RSS Feed
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Relevant Links

Android Authority Forums
Google Messenger updated to 2.0
Google Allo updated as well
Apple's A10 chipset is pretty powerful
Xiaomi Mi Note 2, all the best hardware in one package
Xiaomi Mi MIX – crazy screen ratio

Follow our Hosts

Joshua Vergara
Twitter | Google+

Joseph Hindy
Twitter | Google+

Andrew Grush
Twitter | Google+

Jonathan Feist
Twitter | Google+

Nirave Gondhia
Twitter | Google+

John Dye
Twitter | Facebook

Lanh Nguyen
Twitter | YouTube

David Imel
Twitter | Instagram

November 2016 giveaways

(Actually, these are the October giveaways. Check back in a couple days, I'll update these for November! Sorry.)

Recorded on October 27th, 2016 – Hosted and produced by Jonathan Feist on behalf of Joshua Vergara.

"It was a cow."


from Android Authority

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