Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hands-On with MUVIZ Nav Bar Audio Visualizer: Really neat if you are into this sort of thing


Music is definitely everywhere. From our own personal libraries and streaming stations to advertisements and entertainment, it is a fundamental part of who we are as individuals and as a culture (for better or for worse). Since music is just noise (how's that for a scientific breakthrough), I have always found it neat to see the visual representation of the soundwaves in line with the song that is playing. Back when Windows Media Player was a thing, I always turned on the visualizer, finding it much more entertaining than staring at the album art — or worse, the placeholder image when no art was available.

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Hands-On with MUVIZ Nav Bar Audio Visualizer: Really neat if you are into this sort of thing was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

from Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets

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