Wednesday, March 30, 2016

LG G5 unboxing: Bringing some 'Friends' along for the ride

All things must be unboxed. And occasionally they must be filmed at the same time.

Said it before, and we'll say it again. We're generally not huge fans of the pomp and circumstance that tends to come with taking phones we've already seen out of boxes. But sometimes things are special. There was the LG Optimus Black "Unbooking" way back in 2011. Only a few months later we had the bizarre alien head that was part of a promotion for Verizon's Motorola Droid Bionic. There have been others, of course.

But LG's back again with the LG G5. It's as polarizing as it is intriguing. On its own it's a more-than capable phone. But throw in that it's got interchangeable modules and that "Friends" ecosystem of accessories — plus a new user interface , and there's a whole lot going on here.

So to kick things off, LG's sent us a good chunk of the family. We've got a T-Mobile G5. We've got the CAM Plus and Hi-Fi Plus modules. And we've got the 360 CAM virtual reality camera. They're all in boxes, of course, and were sent in a case that you just can't help but have a little fun opening up.

The phone, CAM Plus and 360 CAM go on sale this week. (Some operators have already shipped, actually.) The Hi-Fi Plus — well, we don't have availability details on that just yet. And, in fact, because it's not yet cleared for use by the FCC, it won't work in U.S. models of the G5 just yet. (It sounds great on the European phone we've been using, though, and it'll work when connected to a separate source.)

Now, without further ado: Our LG G5 unboxing.

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