Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Uncover the secrets of Android app development for just $20

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Mastering Android Programming

Got a killer Android app idea? If the only thing holding you back is having the technical know-how, then hopefully today's deal could change that.

The Mastering Android Programming training kit is the ideal launch point for aspiring app developers, and it's worth taking a peek right now since it's 79 percent off.

Unlike other typical online courses where you read walls of text, this kit keeps you engaged with hands-on video training. You're taught how to create a variety of programs and applications every step of the way. It's all led by expert mentors based in the U.S.

Build your dream Android app and take on the Play Store.

You're given the run-down on basic app development, but it doesn't skimp out on the advanced techniques either. This includes Android features like handling resources, localizing, security, and configuration management.

There's more to be had from this training kit and, if you're persistent, it could be your app that ends up on the top of the Play Store one day.

The Android App kit at a glance:

  • Access 63 lectures and 15 hours of content.
  • Learn Android programming with Android SDK, Java, OpenGL, and SQLite.
  • Explore core concepts like control flow, data types, and arrays.
  • Discuss best practices for product release.
  • Explore UI constructs, Android layouts, and events.

Enrolling today will cost you only $20, whereas it would normally be $99. Don't miss out on this opportunity to turn your dream idea into a real Android app.

The button below takes you to the deal.

This deal not quite right for you? To see all our hottest deals, head over to the AAPICKS HUB.

from Android Authority

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